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About Us

Taiwan Ichiban was founded in 1998 by Mdm Lu Su Chen who came a long way from home to Singapore with the intention of bringing authentic Taiwanese snacks and food from the streets of Taiwan night market to Singapore. With her original recipe, Taiwan Ichiban grew rapidly as a key supplier to neighbourhood Pasar Malams (Singapore’s night market)

Following her son’s participation in the business to ease her workload, Taiwan Ichiban further wanted to reach out to more people with these delightful snacks and further took a leap of faith in the retail shops. This venture of stepping into institutional business was met with success and massive support from the customers.

Today, Taiwan Ichiban offers a variety of over 10 Taiwanese snacks with 6 wholly-owned outlets at Nanyang Technology University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS) and Singapore Institute of Management (SIM).
(Find us here)

In 2022, Taiwan Ichiban officially opened its frozen food facility to pack their authentic Taiwanese recipe into frozen packed food so that everyone is able to enjoy the streets of Taiwan night market at the comfort of their own home.

Coupled with our central kitchen facility, we are able to produce top quality food with minimal cost. And we hope to further bring authentic Taiwanese food to every Singapore household.

(Check out our products here)